ID CP2302049
One Verdi Apartament 2 Camere cu parcare prima chirie - COMISION 0%
ID CP2302049
1,000 €
DINOIU IMOBILIARE va ofera spre inchiriere acest superb apartament Premium cu 2 camere, situat pe B-dul Barbu Vacarescu, vizavi de Parcul Verdi, in Complexul Rezidential de lux ONE Verdi Park, unde inovatia, tehnologia si vederile panoramice spectaculoase sunt redefinite, la cel mai inalt nivel.
Aveti ocazia de a fi primul locatar in acest apartament mobilat luxury modern, cu mobilier si electrocasnice de cea mai buna calitate. La parterul blocului sunt Lidl, restaurant și cafenea.
Apartamentul este situat la etajul 2/20, scara A, oferind astfel o vedere spectaculoasa asupra parcului si asupra intregii zone de Nord a Bucurestiului, dispunand astfel de lumina naturala in majoritatea zilei, avand avantajul ferestrelor full-frame in toate camerele, cu o suprafata utila totala de 44 mp inclusiv balcon, fiind compus din:
- hol cu dressing spatios, cuier si multiple spatii de depozitare
- 1 living cu zona de relaxare si zona de dining
- bucatarie open space complet utilata
- dormitor cu pat matrimonial
- baie cu dus walk-in
- balcon de 5 mp, cu vedere panoramica spectaculoasa catre parcul Verdi si catre toata zona de Nord, cu iesire din living si dormitorul matrimonial
- loc de parcare subteran inclus in pret
Conditii de inchiriere: NU sunt acceptate animalele de companie si nu se fumeaza in interiorul apartamentului.
Perioada de inchiriere: minim 12 luni, plata 1 luna in avans plus 2 luni garantie
Va invit sa programati o vizionare!
Alina Dinoiu
One Verdi Park Apartment 2 Rooms first rent parking - Premium
DINOIU IMOBILIARE offers for rent this superb Premium 2-room apartment, located on Barbu Vacarescu Blvd., opposite Verdi Park, in the ONE Verdi Park Luxury Residential Complex, where innovation, technology and spectacular panoramic views are redefined, at the highest level.
You have the opportunity to be the first tenant in this modern luxury furnished apartment, with furniture and appliances of the highest quality. On the ground floor of the building are Lidl, restaurant and café.
The apartment is located on the 2/20th floor, staircase A, thus offering a spectacular view of the park and the entire northern area of Bucharest, thus having natural light most of the day, having the advantage of full-frame windows in all rooms, with a total usable area of 44 sqm including balcony, being composed of:
- hallway with spacious dressing room, hanger and multiple storage spaces
- 1 living room with relaxation area and dining area
- fully equipped open plan kitchen
- bedroom with double bed
- bathroom with walk-in shower
- 5 sqm balcony, with spectacular panoramic view of Verdi Park and the entire North area, with exit from the living room and the master bedroom
- underground parking space included in the price
Rental conditions: Pets are NOT allowed and smoking is not allowed inside the apartment.
Rental period: minimum 12 months, payment 1 month in advance plus 2 months guarantee
I invite you to schedule a viewing!
Alina Dinoiu