ID CP2235969
COMSION 0 - Apt 2cam LUX, parcare, prima chirie -PETS FRIENDLY- DARWIN
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ID CP2235969
675 €
Va ofer spre inchiriere acest superb apartament cu 2 camere, situat in Tunari, str. 1 Decembrie, in complexul Darwin Residence, in Nordul Bucurestiului, aproape de natura!
Aveti ocazia de a fi primul locatar, intr-o locuinta cocheta, moderna si eleganta, in care linistea, confortul si aerul curat sunt atribute esentiale.
Apartamentul este situat la etajul 3/3 (blocul are lift), are o suprafata utila de 56 mp, fiind compus din:
- 1 living spatios si luminos cu zona de relaxare si zona de dining; aer conditionat, multiple spatii de depozitare, TV smart
- 1 bucatarie deschisa, complet utilata cu electrocasnice Premium (frigider, hota, cuptor, plita, masina de spalat vase)
- 1 domitor luminos cu pat matromonial cu 2 noptiere si un dressing generos
- 1 hol cu 1 dressing foarte generos
- 1 baie cu cada
- 1 balcon cu vedere panoramica frumoasa catre cartier
- 1 loc de parcare suprateran, inclus in pret
Dotari apartament & imobil:
- mobilier Premium, realizat pe comanda, compartimentare inteligenta a spatiilor
- aer conditionat; centrala proprie
- parcare privata; supravhere video
- lift
- ferestre de mari dimensiuni pentru o buna iluminare a interiorului si contopirea vizuala cu exteriorul verde. Tamplaria geamurilor de tip tripan, asigurand o protectie termica de inalt nivel
Avantaje locatie:
- foarte aproape: Lidl, Penny, farmacie, restaurante, benzinarie Rompetrol
- mijloace de transport: autobuze
- exista 3 cai de acces: din DN1, Sos. Pipera, Linia de centura
- 10 km: Aeroport Otopeni & Aeroport Baneasa; Baneasa Shopping City, Dedeman, Ikea, Decathlon
- 17 km: Therme
Conditii de inchiriere: contract min 1 an; Animalele de companie sunt binevenite; NU este permis fumatul in interiorul apartamentului.
Va invit sa programati o vizionare in mijlocul naturii!
I offer for rent this superb 2-room apartment, located in Tunari, 1 December Street, in the Darwin Residence complex, in the North of Bucharest, close to nature!
You have the opportunity to be the first tenant, in a chic, modern and elegant home, where tranquility, comfort and fresh air are essential attributes.
The apartment is located on the 3/3rd floor (the building has an elevator), has a usable area of 56 sqm, being composed of:
- 1 spacious and bright living room with relaxation area and dining area; air conditioning, multiple storage spaces, smart TV
- 1 open kitchen, fully equipped with Premium appliances (refrigerator, hood, oven, hob, dishwasher)
- 1 bright dome with a matromonial bed with 2 bedside tables and a generous dressing room
- 1 hallway with 1 very generous dressing room
- 1 bathroom with bathtub
- 1 balcony with beautiful panoramic view of the neighborhood
- 1 above-ground parking space, included in the price
Apartment & building facilities:
- Premium furniture, made to order, intelligent partitioning of spaces
- air conditioning; own central office
- private parking; Video surveillance